6 Ways to Decorate with Eggs
[image: CONFESSIONS OF A PLATE ADDICT 6 Ways to Decorate with Eggs2]I don’t
know about you, but I am starting to think about Easter since it’s only a
few w...
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Welcome To Themed Thursday ~ Blue Transferware

Welcome to my first Themed Thursday. I am excited to have everyone share their Blue Transferware today. I know many of you sent lovely notes telling me you had no blue transferware to share today but are looking forward to next week. I have tried to choose a topic that I think many of us can participate in one way or another. Next Weeks Themed Thursday will be "Furry Friends Real or Faux". Read to the bottom to find more detail as to how this one will work! Please visit the following blogs to take a peak at some lovely blues.......
Carrie at Oak Rise Cottage: http://oakrisecottage.blogspot.com/2009/01/themed-thursdays-blue-transferware.html
Rhonda at ScooterBlu's Whimsy: http://scooterbluswhimsy.blogspot.com/
Christine at Christines Home & Travel:http://christineshomeandtraveladventures.blogspot.com/
Karen at Passion for Pink: http://decoratingpassion.blogspot.com/
Kim at Manning Family Tree: http://manningfamilytree.blogspot.com/
Bobbi at Out Little World: http://www.tombobmadsyd.blogspot.com/
Barb at Grits and Glamour: http://www.gritsglamour.blogspot.com/
Martha at Lines From Linderhof: http://linesfromlinderhof.blogspot.com/
Here is a collection of blue transferware plates I have over my bed. This picture was actually taken in my last home but I still have the same bed and linens and the same plates. Even my comfortor looks like blue transferware! I loved the way these plates frame the shape of my head board and the way they look against the wall color.

You got a glimpe of these in my wall post but a touch of blue transferware here and there. I especially love it against that green!

Another blue transferware plate on the cabinet tops to balance things out a bit.

Those are the only picture I had on hand to share. So lets talk about next Thursday "Furry Friends Real or Faux". I myself am a lover of doggy decor, bunny decor and more! I know many of you shared with me over the past couple days that you love dogs, cats, horses etc. You see where I am going with this? Of course I have now officially met Lilly in Barbs last Tablescape Tuesday Post so I would be terribly remiss if I left out the real furry friends (all varieties, well okay really lets skip hairy backed hubbys this time around)so of course please share the ones the don't move and of course the ones that do to! This is sure to be fun! Hope everyone enjoys!
Tomorrow's Themed Thursday

Tomorrow is the first Themed Thursday. I can't wait to see what you all have in store for our viewing pleasure. The theme is BLUE TRANSFERWARE. I laughed when Barb said she could not get Mr Linky to work. Well she is way ahead of me because I don't even know where to go to find Mr. Linky!!! Talk about the old fashioned way. I am in the stone age! Please contact me with your link at kimberlyx3@yahoo.com if you would like to participate by 9PM tonight and I will get all the links up on my blog.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
My First Whats on Your Wall Wednesday; Brought To You By The Letter "R"
To continue my green entryway and stairway I thought I would share with you what I did on the walls in this area. Okay I admit I probably need a 12 step program to handle my addiction to monograms. Monogram anonymous or something. So it was a natural choice to house my "R" collection. I had been buying "R's" where I could over the past year and collecting them for my family room wall. The wall in the family room houses a very large iron clock. But the rest of the wall was empty. I thought how fun to place "R's" all around it. I had been saving and searching for unusual fonts to use. Once my striped wall in my stair way was painted, the lightbulb went off as it often does, and I thought HERE is the perfect place to house my "R's". The one below was glued to a white canvas board that was re-purposed along with the frame (which I painted black) from a key display that I was tired of.
Here is a look at the entire wall as it is now. The great thing is, as I find more fun "R's" I can just add them on!
A peek as you look up the stairway. I love the way the black plays against the green on green stripe of the wall. You can see my doggy print peeking there on the side wall.
Here are three fun dog prints I picked up some months back. I loved them, although I had no idea what I would do with them. Some of you may have clued into the fact that I love dog stuff!
When I bought these they hand a painted plaid mats in a sage green. That just wouldn't do against my Georgian Green walls. A trip down to Michaels to find some new mats. I had considered painting the existing mats and even considered adding a red tartan fabric to them as the mat. In the end though, I just settled on a plain red mat. Inexpensive and just the right touch. I love red and green. It is one of my favorite combinations.
In my home any area would not be complete with a touch of blue transferware. I added some to this wall that is in the entrance directly ahead of the stairs as you decsend them. I love the crisp blue and white against the green too!

Hope you have enjoyed my walls for this first Wall Wednesday. To find more participants visit Grits and Glamour http://www.gritsandglamour.blogspot.com/ Next week I will show you a collection that is very special to me and hangs on the wall of my study.

Hope you have enjoyed my walls for this first Wall Wednesday. To find more participants visit Grits and Glamour http://www.gritsandglamour.blogspot.com/ Next week I will show you a collection that is very special to me and hangs on the wall of my study.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
A Study In Color

When we moved into this home 2 and a half years ago, the builder had painted everything SW Ivoire. Now don't get me wrong Ivoire is a lovely color and in fact one of my favorites to use. However over the course of two years plus it just started to become washed out. It lacked vibrancy. I had already done my family room and kitchen a bit deeper going to SW Blonde in there and my study I re-did in SW Restrained Gold. I had almost covered every form of yellow and gold on that one paint chip! So I figured it was time to venture out. When I first walked through this home with my realtor the first thing I saw through the back windows was the green leaves on the heavily wooded back yard trees and the pond we back up to. Immediatley I said "this home calls for some green". Nature inside. I ordered a lovely green sofa. Have plenty of green accents. Papered my dining room in green toile. But thus far had not ventured into any green paint. My entrance and stairway were going to be the the green I was eager to paint somewhere. Thus began the search for just the right green. In the end we went with Ben Moore Georgian Green. Yes I am happy to say I love it. It makes the areas sing. Singing was good of course but where was my whimsy? Ahhhh yes I can take care of that with some striped on the back wall of my landing! Now that is better! Of course what is Met Monday without some beofre pictures too? SO I included some bland before pictures to show the difference. Visit me on Wednesday when I show what else I did to the walls of this area in my first Whats on Your Walls Wednesday hosted by Barb at Grits and Glamour. Be sure to go visit Susan on Between Naps on the Porch to see all the fabulous Met Monday makeovers!

Kathy over at Empty Nester has bestowed upon me this most precious award. I can't tell you how touched I am to receive this. Afterall, us moms, especially those of teens and tweens and well lets face it any age kiddo need all the reassurance we can get as moms. Especially on the days when we feel we are doing a less than stellar job! Oh you know those days I am talking about and for those with age 12 through 18 year olds we are talking weeks not days and maybe even stretching into years!!! Sometimes we forget that our kids will make mistakes and screw up and it is not a reflection of our parenting but part of their journey. Isn't it difficult to remind ourselves that our identity is not theirs? To learn something valuable we must make the mistake that will carry us forward. But as loving mothers it is hard to stand by and watch them go through this growth. Thank You Kathy for giving this to me just when I needed it!
Now it is my great honor to pass this along to those whom I think by the looks of their blogs have a great time with their children. Love and enjoy them. Exhibit unconditionally the qualities of motherhood.
Robin at Alabama Slacker Mama: http://alabamaslackermama.blogspot.com/
Carolina Mama (whom I still don't have a first name for): http://carolinamama1.blogspot.com/
"This is an award for being a wonderful Mom
You do fantastic work
Be proud of your accomplishments!"
You do fantastic work
Be proud of your accomplishments!"
Saturday, January 24, 2009
$1 Wallpaper at Lowes Home Improvement

I am a lover of wallpaper. I have a love, hate relationship with it. Mainly love. I love the way it can transform a room. I love that it is one of the oldest forms of interior decorating there is. I love the traditional patterns. The way it warms a room, creates interest and completes a classic design. SO imagine my glee when I found that Lowes is clearing out ALL there instock wallpaper and borders for $1 a double roll. Can you imagine the transformation you can create in a room? Damasks to create that formal elegant dining room you have always dreamed of! Plaids to take your plain walls from neutrals to Ralph Lauren wonderlands! Script wallpapers for your powder rooms? Oh yummy. So today I came home with 4 double rolls of plaid and 6 double rolls of a distressed green damask. All for the whopping price of $10! I mean I have no idea where I will put them! But if I lose the $10 I am okay with that. I actually have some real ideas rolling around in this never quiet brain of mine. They may just require more of the plaid....but hey I have only hit one Lowes and bought there supply of plaid. I have at least 3 more in my area that I know of. I am not above driving a bit for wallpaper! Now I am off to ponder the possibilities!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Vera Bradley

It is official Vera Bradley has released her four new prints. My daughter and I were lucky enough to get a sneak peak about a week back. Once again we were visiting our favorite local shop Carolina Paper and who just happend to be there but the rep from Vera Bradley. She had all the new prints PLUS the prints and items that are not being released until May! Oh what a plethora of delight! I just have to say the May/Spring prints and items are yummy! Of course Emmersyn was with me. The rep thought she was so sweet and cute that she went to her car and gave her some FREE Vera Bradley!!! There I stood raising my hand and announcing that I had birthed her!!! No luck. I just have to say the new Breast Cancer Print Hope Garden is lovely. See it up there! Doesn't everyone want to buy something beautiful for a worthy cause? Emmersyn had placed on her wish list a lunch bag in Purple Punch! Kelly green being one of my favorite colors I really think the green Cupcake print is fun!
Announcing Themed Thursday's

Well I have decided that all of you out there in blog land are having way too much fun with your days. I really wanted in on the action!!! So I pondered and thought Fabric Fridays? NO that isn't it! Shopping Saturday? Well no since I rarely am able to get on much during the weekend that would not work either. SO after much brain racking I have decided to do Themed Thursdays! It will work something like this. Each week I will choose a theme and announce it on Thursday during the themed Thursday posts. This will give us all a week to come up with stuff pertaining to the theme. Some examples of themes might be "Pillows" "Blue transferware" "fabrics" "Monograms" "Dogs" "Cats"....you get the idea it could and will be just about anything. Then you can find things that you love with the theme and the following Thursday post them on your blog. These photos can be anything. How you use these themed items in your home or just a collection of them. If you don't have the item in your home you can use inspiration photos or even pictures you took at the store! Your choice there. Since I missed Thursday of this week I will announce the theme for this coming Thursday at the end of this post. I am going to try to figure out the link thingy so bare with this illiterate computer gal. So grab my logo if you would like to participate in the fun!
The Theme for Thursday January 29th will be Blue Transferware. Have fun! I can't wait to see all the beautiful and creative things everyone will come up with!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
I've been tagged by Vanessa at http://lawsymercy.blogspot.com/ to do a meme with six random things about me. According to Vanessa there are a few rules to go along with this meme and they are:~ Link to the person that tagged you~ Post the rules on your blog~ Write six random things about yourself~ Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them~ Let each person know that they have been tagged and leave a comment on their blog~ Let the tagger know when your entry is up For the six random things about me. SO here goes be prepared to yawn!
1.) I am an amazon. Yep 6' tall. Most people don't think I am this tall but it is true. I have never had to ask anyone to reach anything for me!
2.) I can decorate anyone elses home with ease but always question and second guess myself on my own home.
3.) I spent an entire Summer with my hippie boyfriend in my early college days living in Cabo San Lucas on the beach in the back of a 1963 VW Bus!!! We drove from San Diego all the way to Cabo San Lucas and spent our days surfing and laying in the sun.
5.) I believe in Ghosts and spirits and the paranormal. What ever you want to call it I think it exhists!
Now I am tagging the following for a MEme..........
Barb at Grits & Glamour :
Susan at Between Naps on The Porch: http://betweennapsontheporch.blogspot.com/
Carolina Mama : http://carolinamama1.blogspot.com/
Robin at Alabama Slacker Mama: http://alabamaslackermama.blogspot.com/
The Kramer Angle: http://www.thekramerangle.com/
Life of a Southern Belle: http://sbelle-lifeofasouthernbelle.blogspot.com/
1.) I am an amazon. Yep 6' tall. Most people don't think I am this tall but it is true. I have never had to ask anyone to reach anything for me!
2.) I can decorate anyone elses home with ease but always question and second guess myself on my own home.
3.) I spent an entire Summer with my hippie boyfriend in my early college days living in Cabo San Lucas on the beach in the back of a 1963 VW Bus!!! We drove from San Diego all the way to Cabo San Lucas and spent our days surfing and laying in the sun.
4.) I have a secret desire to own a new VW Beetle convertable in light blue. Not very practical for a family of 5!
5.) I believe in Ghosts and spirits and the paranormal. What ever you want to call it I think it exhists!
6.) While a student there, I unscrewed all the overhead lights at San Diego State University one night with my friend (who is now my husband) and afterwards climbed a 12 foot brick wall and skinny dipped in the SDSU pool. Later we stole a bike off the bike rack and road back to our apartment complex. I don't think the bike was missed because it had no tires on it, just rims. Okay I admit this episode occured after some tequila shots and plenty of beer! Just to clarify this I will absolutely murder my kids if I ever find out they do anything like this!
Now I am tagging the following for a MEme..........
Barb at Grits & Glamour :
Susan at Between Naps on The Porch: http://betweennapsontheporch.blogspot.com/
Carolina Mama : http://carolinamama1.blogspot.com/
Robin at Alabama Slacker Mama: http://alabamaslackermama.blogspot.com/
The Kramer Angle: http://www.thekramerangle.com/
Life of a Southern Belle: http://sbelle-lifeofasouthernbelle.blogspot.com/
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Best Friends & Prayer

Who amongst us doesn't have a best friend. Someone who has been in our lives for longer than we can remember. That one person who just has always seemed to be there. They have been there to witness even what our family was unaware of. I am currently living 3000 miles away from my best friend. I miss her daily. I also know that in an instant if she needed me or I her we would both be on the first flight out to the other. Afterall a best friend is usually the first one there in the bad times. Janice over at Etiquette With Miss Janice http://etiquettewithmissjanice.blogspot.com/ stopped by and asked for a prayer for her best friend. I was especially touched by this because I know how I would feel if my best friend were in need of me and most importantly the Lord. So as you read this blog just say this prayer with me for Janice's best friend Teresa. I am a firm believer in the power of prayer.
Dear heavenly father we place your child Teresa in your loving hands. We pray that she finds the strength in you that she needs at this difficult time. Lord we pray that you bestow upon the specialist she is seeing the wisdom and grace to make the correct decisions and the knowledge to understand what she needs. Lord we pray that those around Teresa surround her with grace, love and strength as they become your instruments of strength for her. We pray this in Jesus name. Amen
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Picture Tag!
My friend Yvette (http://www.thewaitforkate.blogspot.com/) tagged me for picture tag. Sounds like fun, so I think I'll play along. The object of picture tag is to:
1) Choose the 4th folder where you store your pictures on your computer.
2) Select the 4th picture in the folder.
3) Explain the picture.
4) Tag 4 people to do the same.
No Cheating! (cropping, editing, etc)
So her is my picture brought up from my number one picture folder and the #4 picture in that folder. This is sweet Emmersyn (left) and Nolan (RT) taken in March of 2005. Even though they are 2 years apart in age people contstantly asked us if they were twins. I think in this (okay I have to add one other I just can't help it!) these pictures I can tell why we were asked that! It is hard for me to believe these were taken almost 4 years ago! They are growing up way to fast!
SO I choose TAG YOUR IT! The Following:
Barb at Grits and Glamour http://gritsglamour.blogspot.com
Melissa at http://melissasheartandhome.blogspot.com/
Melissa at http://melissasheartandhome.blogspot.com/
Carolina Mama at http://carolinamama1.blogspot.com/
I Can't Wait to See!
Just Wait Until I Get Through With Them!

I guess I am feeling a bit industrious in the new year. I have become a bit addicted to Craigs List. I have browsed there before and even sold a couple things off of there but I myself have never purchased anything. UNTIL NOW! In the past week I have found two (well technically 3) things that I actually inquired about and won. Do you win things on CL or is that only eBay? The first item is this secretary. Okay it isn't my dream secretary. That would be the gorgeous mahogany one with the fret work doors and break front drawers. But this one was only $150 and I have big plans for it. I want to do a distressed finish in black with a red undercoat. I think it will look great in my family room. Hey I even have plans to make a great tassel to hang from the key lock like Cindy had on her Blog My Romantic Home. Can't y'all just picture it? Some red toile paper in the back of the book case part? So this lovely secretary that the previous owners had refinished in white wash with hand painted flowers down the sides in pink and green would actually go with the two chairs I bought today off of CL! These hunter green beauties are petite wing backs that I have been searching for for some time. I plan on using them on each end of my dining room table. I have big reupholster plans for them. The seller said she believes them to be around 40 years old. I know this they are sturdy and I sure could not find any like this in todays market! Certainly not for the $100 I paid for them! SO I am feeling pretty good about my purchases. I have the perfect two (3) items for Susan's Metamorphis.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
The Lemonade Award

It’s A Double Whammy!
A Special Award from Two Very Special People
Kathy over at Empty Nester http://mbkatc230-emptynester.blogspot.com/ and Barb over at Grits & Glamour http://gritsglamour.blogspot.com/
have so kindly bestowed this award upon me. How kind and thoughtful of you both. Kathy and Barb thanks so much for thinking of me! The purpose of this award is to give it to someone who is showing gratitude or a good attitude ("if life hands you lemons, make lemonade") within their life or blog. I can certainly see why Kathy and Barb received this award and were able to pass it along.
The rules:
1) put the logo on your blog
2) nominate at least 10 blogs that show great attitude and/or gratitude.
3) have your 10 pass it along to 10 more!
Once again I find my self challenged to find 10 people to pass this award onto. Not because there are not worthy bloggers out there but rather it is simply because I just may not “know” enough of you yet. But as always I am up for the challenge! So although I may not know you “yet” I visit your blogs and take heart in your words and lovely photos and musings. Although I know I can’t find 20 lovelies to give this to, I am hoping that combining my nominations to the number 10 okay well maybe just 7, is not breaking any award rules. I am thrilled my online blogging family is expanding and that I am able to get to know so many of you. Each one of you contributes to many of my Ahha moments each week. Thank you for continuing to inspire me. Blessings to you all.
Here are a few ladies who I think fit this description very well and so I pass this award on to you…..
and last but certainly not least I am going to bestow this award to my dear friend Yvette. Who although isn’t in the throw of most of our décor and home blogs certainly fits the description of a good attitude in all that she does. http://thewaitforkate.blogspot.com/
A Special Award from Two Very Special People
Kathy over at Empty Nester http://mbkatc230-emptynester.blogspot.com/ and Barb over at Grits & Glamour http://gritsglamour.blogspot.com/
have so kindly bestowed this award upon me. How kind and thoughtful of you both. Kathy and Barb thanks so much for thinking of me! The purpose of this award is to give it to someone who is showing gratitude or a good attitude ("if life hands you lemons, make lemonade") within their life or blog. I can certainly see why Kathy and Barb received this award and were able to pass it along.
The rules:
1) put the logo on your blog
2) nominate at least 10 blogs that show great attitude and/or gratitude.
3) have your 10 pass it along to 10 more!
Once again I find my self challenged to find 10 people to pass this award onto. Not because there are not worthy bloggers out there but rather it is simply because I just may not “know” enough of you yet. But as always I am up for the challenge! So although I may not know you “yet” I visit your blogs and take heart in your words and lovely photos and musings. Although I know I can’t find 20 lovelies to give this to, I am hoping that combining my nominations to the number 10 okay well maybe just 7, is not breaking any award rules. I am thrilled my online blogging family is expanding and that I am able to get to know so many of you. Each one of you contributes to many of my Ahha moments each week. Thank you for continuing to inspire me. Blessings to you all.
Here are a few ladies who I think fit this description very well and so I pass this award on to you…..
and last but certainly not least I am going to bestow this award to my dear friend Yvette. Who although isn’t in the throw of most of our décor and home blogs certainly fits the description of a good attitude in all that she does. http://thewaitforkate.blogspot.com/
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Rainy Days, Star Bucks & Vera Bradley

I don't know why but unlike the majority of people I love rainy days. Yes sometimes they make me want to stay in and bake, cozy down and read or sleep. But many times they motivate me! Today was such a day. I could not wait to put on my comfy jeans, tennies, rain jacket and baseball cap and spend the day with my 10 year old daughter Emmersyn. Today was the first day that her and I have had all to ourselves. All 3 of my boys have been home for 2 weeks (Connor, Nolan and Hubby Reinhard) and all three went back to work and school today. But Emmersyn is on a year round schedule for her final year in elementary school and she has 3 more weeks at home with me. I am finding that I am cherishing these times because I know all to soon; August to be exact, she will be on the same schedule as the rest and these mommy and daughter days will be limited at best. SO after I cozied in bed in the early morning hours with her, my lemon zinger tea with honey, GMA on the tele and my laptop in bed with us while we OOhed and AAhed over the lovely tablescapes we found on all the great blogs. We got dressed and headed out to do battle against weather and crowds. In our semi matching baseball caps, jeans and jackets we faced the elements. Okay maybe it wasn't that dramatic but boy it was really raining out there!!! I still had quite a few returns to do post Christmas so that was first on our list. Then a nice lunch out at one of our all time favorite places PEI WEI Asian Cuisine. Yummy. More errands more shopping and then a quick stop at one of my small little towns local stores Carolina Paper Company. I went in to buy Thank You cards (am I one of the dying race who still hand writes her thank yous? ) First though we had to run into Starbucks for my Caramel Maachiato and Emmersyn's vanilla Bean with Caramel and whip cream. Into the store we went where my daughter promptly fell in love with Vera Bradley for the first time. Now let me say I remember Vera Bradley from back in the preppy late 80's. Back then her prints were more French Provencial Country as I recall. I know back here in the South Vera is wildly popular still. So in CPC my daughter and I fell in love and re-fell in love with the lovely fabrics that only Vera Bradley can create. Emmersyn promptly asked for the free catalog where she proceeded to study it in depth and circle each item she just "had to have" and what prints were here favorite. Among these items were The Tech Case, The IPod Case, The Mini Hipster, The Small Zippered Wallet and last but certainly not least the Out To Lunch Bag. I am pretty sure if she could fit into the Pajama bottoms they would be on her list too but they only come in ladies sizes (I may be getting some for me). Not only is she in love with all these items she wants each one in a different print. No coordination for this 10 year old, NO SIR! Raspberry Fiz, Java Blue, Mod Blue and Pink Pin Wheel (sorry if I butchered the names all you Vera fans) are her prints of choice plus the store owner gave us a peek at the four new patterns that will be out in two weeks time. I think one is called Purple Punch and Emmersyn has requested the lunch bag in that one. So as we drove home I was very thrilled to have my Starbucks to soothe my heart over the fact that my baby girl is growing up. Somehow we went from Hello Kitty to Vera Bradley. Although I know it didn't happen over night it sure seems that way.
Monday, January 5, 2009
My First Award! Faboulousness!

I have a new friend here in Blog land. Belle at Life of a Southern Belle http://sbelle-lifeofasouthernbelle.blogspot.com/
graciously stopped by ( as any good southern lady would do) to give me my first award. Now of course I had to be just as gracious and go on over to see what her blog is all about. I urge everyone who has not been there yet to go linger awhile. Thank you to my new friend Belle. Now let me see if I can get this award stuff straight. It being my first and all I certainly hope I get the logistics of passing it on correctly. First the rules....right?
graciously stopped by ( as any good southern lady would do) to give me my first award. Now of course I had to be just as gracious and go on over to see what her blog is all about. I urge everyone who has not been there yet to go linger awhile. Thank you to my new friend Belle. Now let me see if I can get this award stuff straight. It being my first and all I certainly hope I get the logistics of passing it on correctly. First the rules....right?
Here are the rules...1) Add the award image to your sidebar.2) Copy and paste the rules and instructions in your post.3) When posting on receiving the award, make sure you include the person who gave you the award and link it back to them.4) Post 5 of your addictions.5) Post 5 winners and link it back to them as well.6) Let your winners know you gave them an award by leaving them a comment on their blog.
Here are the rules...1) Add the award image to your sidebar.2) Copy and paste the rules and instructions in your post.3) When posting on receiving the award, make sure you include the person who gave you the award and link it back to them.4) Post 5 of your addictions.5) Post 5 winners and link it back to them as well.6) Let your winners know you gave them an award by leaving them a comment on their blog.
Now the fun part
5 Addictions (really only 5?)
1. Licorice!
2. Music , it soothes my soul and grounds me
3. Starbucks Carmel Maachiatto, need I say anything more?
4. Reinhard (my hubby) I depend on and need his face, voice, arms around me and heart by my side daily
5. The Lord! Always dependable, never judgemental always on my side every second of every day.
Now I would like to Graciously pass on this award to 5 fellow bloggers. I cherish being able to go to their blogs every day and get a glimpse of their talents, lives and selves.
2. Melissa http://melissasheartandhome.blogspot.com/
3. Kristen
3. Kristen
Y'all inspire me! My thanks!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Photographing The Home

Do you need to take a photography or computer class to learn the art of taking good photographs of your home? Yes it is most definitely an art form and one I am quickly discovering I don't posess. If the old saying practice makes perfect is true, then I hope to be a pro at it by the end of 2009. Perhaps updating my out of date camera will help? I can't guarantee it! I have just read a very discriptive help guide on how to take good photos of your home. I have many of them down. The easy ones that have nothing to do with my eye looking through the lens and making art out of a room. De cluttering your space. Not crowding pieces in the room. No harsh overhead lights. Making sure the space is clean. Yes these are all things I can do and in fact have. But the list continued and this may have been where they lost me completely. Don't take a picture of an item straight on. For example if you are taking a picture of your sofa don't just stand in front of it and snap the shot. HUH? Well I ask myself how else would I take a picture of my sofa? Or how about this one? Make a shot interesting by including an unexpected element in it like half of a doorway. Hmmm may have to think hard on that one. Or this one. Take the shots from as many possible angles as available to you. Above the room looking down, on the floor of the room, standing in several different areas to get the same picture. Taking photos of the room at several different times of the day to see what light makes the room look its best. Adding and subracting items in the room just for the purpose of taking the photo. I think that is called staging. So I am contemplating them all and hoping that perhaps I will find a camera that will do all this for me. If not you may find me hanging off my kitchen chandelier at 7:04 AM exactly, because of course I have found that the family room light is superb at this time, and I need to get the shot from an above the room angle at approximately 11 paces south by south west. Yelling to my kids that they need to get ready for school on their own because this light only lasts for a few minutes. Praying I don't actually fall off the chandelier because my table is covered with all the clutter in the room that I had to remove to make the shot all that it could be. Cursing at my new camera because it is still forcing me to work for the shot. By the way I seriously doubt that dinner will be cooked this week either because afterall I need to sit and take pictures every minute of the day to insure my lighting is perfectly correct! I am exhausted and I have not even gotten started. Seriously though this may be a goal for me to accomplish in the New Year. Kudos to all you fabulous artists out there whose blogs I visit and think "look at this breathtaking photo". How on earth do you do it? I bow to you. In the mean time please don't judge MY photos.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Day 1 of the New Year
Can you believe it? 2009. Today the Christmas stuff came down. This always leaves me feeling a little blue. The house is so full and warm when the Christmas decor is out. By the time it comes down it makes everything feel sparse. My home that I was pleased with before Christmas suddenly becomes blah to me. So after it all came down today I took on my first project. The Mantel. I had posted earlier about the new topiaries I received from my friend. They are quite large and I was uncertain if they would work on the mantel. I gave it a try and now two hours into the mantel being decorated I am beginning to get used to their larger size and the overall look. Of course I am a tweaker. So over the rest of the year things will be tweaked and moved and added. But this is the start of 2009 decor.
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