Welcome to the second themed Thursday. Our theme today is Furry friends real or Faux. Please visit the following blogs as they share their furry friends.
Chantilly Charm: http://chantillycharm.blogspot.com/2009/02/themed-thursday-furry-friends.html
Manning Family Tree: http://manningfamilytree.blogspot.com/
Our Little World: http://www.tombobmadsyd.blogspot.com/
Blinks N Winks From Brown Eyes: http://blinksnwinksfrombrown-eyes.blogspot.com/
Alabama Slacker Mama: http://alabamaslackermama.blogspot.com/
Come Join the Fun.........
Here is my zoo. I guess you could say I have a thing for animals. I love to decorate with them. I love the instant bit of whimsy they bring into a room. One of my favorites is the rabbit or bunny. This time of year is deadly for me as it takes everything I have to pass up all the adorable Easter bunnies out there! This is one of my latest finds. Can't you just picture his basket filled with jelly beans or blue bird eggs? My daughter loves to give all our bunnies names. This is Mr. Whiskers

This lamp was one of my favorite finds as well. I have a small waiting list for it if ever I am to part ways with him he will quickly find another home.

Blue bunny. Susan at On My Back Porch had posted one of these little guys on her blog the other day. Good thing I don't live close he would have had a brother in green.

Every once in awhile Target has something you just can't pass by. A couple of Springs ago this weather vane was one of them. He had a fast landing in my cart before anyone could even say blink. He sits on my screened in porch happily enjoying the sun. My porch is stripped down for the winter months but he looks much more at home in the warmer months.

This is Mr Sniffles. My pewter bunny. I snatched him up at the Design mart in High Point.

We also have a couple feathered friends. This distressed wooden green bird came from a cute little store in a local town here. I really liked the green.

This one I found at marshalls for $2. I knew I could find a home for him somewhere!

Everyone needs a horse right? I have had this since before we were married. I could not even tell you where I found him except that it was in the San Francisco area of California. But he has been displayed somewhere in every home we have owned.

Anyone who has been following my blog for any time (well I have only been blogging a month so ....) knows of my love affair with dogs. Here is one I found along the way that I loved.

Meet SAM. Sam started out as a bench beside our front door. After about a year he was having a hard time of it. The kids in the neighborhood just love Sam and would frequently visit our front porch to climb and play on him. Sam required some minor surgery after one such "play date" and after that I thought it might be wise to bring him into a more protected area. Sam serves as a coffee table on our screened porch. When we want more seating during entertaining in our family room I pull our two ottomons that serve as coffee tables aside for seating and bring Sam in to use as a coffee table. He enjoys the extra attention he gets on his special visits indoors. He looks really sharp during Christmas when he sports his big plaid bow around his neck!

No one really needs two book ends right? I picked this handsome guy up at HomeGoods a couple years back for a couple dollars since his mate took off for Vegas with some other hot pup they were letting him go at a low low price!

Here is just one of a set of whimsical dog prints in uniform my family got me for Christmas. I had been admiring them for some time. They bring a smile to my face every time I look at them.

Please stop by next Thursday. Our theme will be
SHOES. Every woman loves shoes right? Come share your favorite pair or the pair you drool over but would never buy. Or share the pair that have been with you so long it is simply embarrasing but you just can't part with them no matter how much you tell yourself you will after one more spring, one more winter .......... or how about the pair you can't believe anyone would create or let alone wear! I think this one will be fun and I have to thank Barb over at Grits and Glamour for mentioning it to me. Fun theme Barb!