6 Ways to Decorate with Eggs
[image: CONFESSIONS OF A PLATE ADDICT 6 Ways to Decorate with Eggs2]I don’t
know about you, but I am starting to think about Easter since it’s only a
few w...
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Hopity Hop Hop......
Sunday, March 29, 2009
The Journey Of A Secretary Makeover Diary Entry 1
No I have no plans to go into Mr. Whimsy's office and glam up his secretary. I do however have some big plans for this lady. I picked her up a couple of months back off of Craig's List. The price was More than right and I had a vision.
Sadly this vision had to wait for weather and time. Weather being the major factor as it just did not want to get warm enough or dry enough for the makeover to begin. More time for me to contemplate. This can be a dangerous thing for me. My plan was to paint this beauty who according to her previous owners had in 1994 gone into the salon for a major overhaul. This former makeover had included white washed paint and hand painted pink and green flowers. Yikes! My initial thoughts were more of a black and red crackled finish. I began planning. I asked my two favorite authorities on faux finishing Barb over at Grits and Glamour and my friend Lisa who owns a faux finishing and design business to give me the run down on crackle finishing. I am glad I asked. It did not take me long to decide I WOULD NOT be crackle finishing the secretary. Time kept droning on and at one point I thought of finishing it white and placing it in Little Miss Whimsy's bedroom. No no no!!! I had picked it out for my family room wall and there it would go. Finally after months of waiting today was the big day. Woke up to sunshine!! Ran down to Lowes and picked up a can of black satin paint. Then got side tracked by three kids and a husband. At 3Pm I started my project. I worked for about 4 hours. This four hours included some chats with the neighbors of course. Hey it's Sunday in the South. Things like this can't be avoided!
This is her placed in the family room. All black painted and fresh but of course far from finished.
The first thing I had to do to prep the gal was remove all the hardware. This was one tedious task. She had hardware galore! The handy dandy zip lock full of her jewelry.

I had to remove all the doors, drawers, desk mechanisms and this inset. Little Miss Whimsy was happy to discover that the two center columns of this actually slide out and are secret compartments.

We actually found some items that we assume belonged to the former owners. That "C" drive is titled "Emerald Isle Pictures". There are some foreign coins, a library card and some gold links that were removed from some jewelry among other things. I am happy that my navigation system still has their address in its memory so I can pop these in an envelope and send them back. I would be sad to lose photos.

After I removed all the hardware and taped off the glass I sanded the entire piece down with a sanding block. Then I wiped it all down with a damp micro fiber cloth to get any dirt and dust off. The painting began. Notice I have the doors sitting on little round dowels? When you paint any type of cabinet door it is best to elevate it off of the paper or drop cloth you are using. This way as it dries the paper or thing it is sitting on will not stick to it. This will eliminate the potential to have the newly painted surface ruined.

Some more painting. I love the serpentine drawers on this piece and love how they look painted black.

Here is a final shot of the work done today. She is drying nicely. Tomorrow I plan to clean all her hardware and hopefully get it placed back on her. If it goes smoothly I will put the doors and drawers back on as well. The makeover will not stop there. I have more plans for her. I won't spoil them by telling y'all what they are just yet. Y'all will have to visit me on a couple more Met Mondays to see how she is coming along and for the final reveal. I am thrilled with the results so far. I couldn't wait to share! For more wonderful transformations be sure to visit Susan at Between Naps on the Porch http://betweennapsontheporch.blogspot.com/.

I had to remove all the doors, drawers, desk mechanisms and this inset. Little Miss Whimsy was happy to discover that the two center columns of this actually slide out and are secret compartments.
We actually found some items that we assume belonged to the former owners. That "C" drive is titled "Emerald Isle Pictures". There are some foreign coins, a library card and some gold links that were removed from some jewelry among other things. I am happy that my navigation system still has their address in its memory so I can pop these in an envelope and send them back. I would be sad to lose photos.
After I removed all the hardware and taped off the glass I sanded the entire piece down with a sanding block. Then I wiped it all down with a damp micro fiber cloth to get any dirt and dust off. The painting began. Notice I have the doors sitting on little round dowels? When you paint any type of cabinet door it is best to elevate it off of the paper or drop cloth you are using. This way as it dries the paper or thing it is sitting on will not stick to it. This will eliminate the potential to have the newly painted surface ruined.
Some more painting. I love the serpentine drawers on this piece and love how they look painted black.
Here is a final shot of the work done today. She is drying nicely. Tomorrow I plan to clean all her hardware and hopefully get it placed back on her. If it goes smoothly I will put the doors and drawers back on as well. The makeover will not stop there. I have more plans for her. I won't spoil them by telling y'all what they are just yet. Y'all will have to visit me on a couple more Met Mondays to see how she is coming along and for the final reveal. I am thrilled with the results so far. I couldn't wait to share! For more wonderful transformations be sure to visit Susan at Between Naps on the Porch http://betweennapsontheporch.blogspot.com/.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Love Affair With Monograms
I have a life long love for the monogram. I never tire of them. They surround my life in both my home and on my personal items. When we married our napkins and invitations had the classic monogram. A new letter layout for me I mourned losing my maiden name "W". The "W" was so symmetrical and it just looked so perfect to me centered in between my initials. My married name begins with an "R" and it just looked so lopsided to me! I of course embraced it and now the "R" is firmly rooted into my life. SHhhhh I secretly miss my "W" 19 years later! I wonder if my daughter will feel that way about the "R"?
I wear my silver monogrammed toggle chain every day. I am not a huge jewelry wearer. This piece rarely leaves me though.
I found this great green R at a local decor store I love "The Ivy Cottage". They always have unique items and I can spend hours browsing the store.

One of my blog friends recently inquired about the lamp shades on my buffet lamps.
These did not come monogrammed. You can take a shade to a place that monograms and have a letter (or 3) done on the shade. Usually the shade does need to be more of a square or rectangle and not have any curve or too much slope to it. It really adds a unique touch to plain shades.

My "R" wall in my stairway. I can keep adding "R's" as I find them until this wall is full from floor to ceiling!
You can find me out on the tennis courts anywhere from 3-5 days a week depending on the weather. What would a proper tennis bag be without a hot pink monogram?

One of my blog friends recently inquired about the lamp shades on my buffet lamps.

My "R" wall in my stairway. I can keep adding "R's" as I find them until this wall is full from floor to ceiling!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
The Impatient Child
I do believe that we are all the impatient child all through life. Oh yes I can hear you now. "Who me I have the patience of a Saint!". But as life spins faster and faster it also gives us more opportunities to be disappointed. Today I received and email from a friend and one of the statements she made was a simple statement many of us have said in passing many a time. It falls in the category of " I think I am going to have a nervous break down" or "I swear I am going through a mid-life crisis" and so you know how these statements fall off our lips. Usually when we have way too much on our plates. Many times when these feelings overtake us we really think we are doing everything right, don't we? I mean boy we are helping everyone in our life who needs help and even those who maybe really don't! We are there for everyone and doing everything. We are praying and praying some more. It seems nothing is working so yes we pray some more! We help some more. We even cry some more. Does this sound like the model of patience to you? Sometimes when we know we are doing good for others we are stamping our feet and having that impatient temper tantrum internally. I know I have certainly been there more than enough times and even if you don't want to admit it, so have you. All this time however there is one simple thing we are forgetting. One task that really is so simplistic in its execution that we want to slap our heads in a V-8 moment for not having already tried it. STOP! Be still and hear the voice of the Lord. The Lord doesn't shout over my noise. He waits patiently until I am quiet. Much like a child's temper tantrum. I could step in and try to rationalize with a kicking screaming child but really anything I try is bound to fall on deaf ears. How can the Lord give us any answers and calm us if we are too frantic to hear him? I hope that each one of us can remember to be still in our lives long enough to listen to what is without adding to it.
Did Someone Say Toile Y'all?
I guess my Toile radar was on today. Not only did I stumble upon a new great blog "Pretty Organized Palace" of all days to visit she is hosting a Toile Party. Toile, like plaid, is something I just can't get enough of! Who does toile better than one of my favorite catalogs Pierre Deux? There new Spring Catalog came out just a couple weeks back and I of course have already drooled over the pages more than one. I love this toile upholstered day bed. So elegant and I would love to curl up there with a good book.
Morning tea and afternoon tea on this lovely settee? What could be more perfect?

I love toile panels. These make the room.
Of course I had to share my in the works toile dining room. Hint hint my draperies get installed this Friday!!! I can't wait! In the time being here is a peek at the toile walls.

Here are just a few of my toile pillows.

Here is a picture of my master bed. Outfitted in toiles, florals and plaids. This was taken at my last home. I need to get some current pictures of it in this home.

Our last home also had toile in the downstairs guest bath. Floor to ceiling panel at the bath tub. This reminds me I still have quite a bit if this fabric. I better dig it out and see what I can create. No good toile should ever go to waste!

Here is a quick snapshot of my daughters room. I had to take the million and two stuffed animals off her bed to get this picture. Tiffany Box Blue in toile.

Because this post was so last minute I did not get to plan for it and was only able to get a few shots of one of my very favorite things "TOILE". Thanks for Pretty Organized Palace for hosting such a fun event. To see more lovely toile visit her blog at http://prettyorganizedpalace.blogspot.com/2009/03/toile-party.html

I love toile panels. These make the room.

Here are just a few of my toile pillows.
Here is a picture of my master bed. Outfitted in toiles, florals and plaids. This was taken at my last home. I need to get some current pictures of it in this home.

Our last home also had toile in the downstairs guest bath. Floor to ceiling panel at the bath tub. This reminds me I still have quite a bit if this fabric. I better dig it out and see what I can create. No good toile should ever go to waste!

Here is a quick snapshot of my daughters room. I had to take the million and two stuffed animals off her bed to get this picture. Tiffany Box Blue in toile.
Because this post was so last minute I did not get to plan for it and was only able to get a few shots of one of my very favorite things "TOILE". Thanks for Pretty Organized Palace for hosting such a fun event. To see more lovely toile visit her blog at http://prettyorganizedpalace.blogspot.com/2009/03/toile-party.html
Monday, March 23, 2009
Quick Change Met Monday
For this tenth met Monday I chose a quick and easy project that only took two years to do! This is my powder room light fixture. Perfect isn't it? It wasn't always so! My powder room fixtures as a whole had some serious issues. I joked with my builder that everyone in the neighborhood had come into my spec home and changed out the fixtures for what they wanted. My original light fixture was a builder grade brushed nickel. My towel ring was chrome. My toilet paper holder was oil rubbed bronze. Door hardware oil rubbed bronze and my vanity sink is an antique brass number. There was no rhyme or reason to any of it. This was a spec home built by a custom builder and they were high in sales at the time we bought. The home was "Complete" as far as they were concerned and they were not willing to change a thing for us. This task fell upon me once we moved in. I was ready for the challenge. Okay I was really excited to find things that would work and wow! The decor of my powder room came quickly and easily. The light fixture did not. Although I had changed out the other elements quickly I just could not find a light fixture I loved. So for two years the old one stayed up. Then one day I went into the lighting store to enquire about my ceiling fan that came in my master bedroom which was making noise and warrantied. They were having a store wide 50% off sale on many items. There sat this fixture. 50% off and I thought perfect. I loved the crystals and had wanted something with silk shades. The price was right too! Here is my new fixture up in the powder room.
A close up. It has four crystal drops. Two are behind the shades and not visible in this photo. Notice the mirror frame peeking up there. This mirror was grabbed at a home goods for only $24. The only thing that was really "right" about it was the size. Because we have bead board high up on the wall in this powder room finding a mirror the correct size was a difficult task. I originally bought this as a temporary fix. But as it often happens with things like this it has stayed up without replacement. I have not seen anything that would work. But now with the new light fixture up the gold on the frame needed some work!

Another shot straight on and notice the mirror is a bit darker? That is because I took an antique glaze to it to tone it down. Now it matched the light fixture and is more of a bronze tone.

Another shot straight on and notice the mirror is a bit darker? That is because I took an antique glaze to it to tone it down. Now it matched the light fixture and is more of a bronze tone.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Spring Fluffing

I thought these were cheery and I loved the idea of being able to place them low on my french doors. French Style!
Every time I walk past my buffet I find that things have been added, moved and taken away. Little Miss Whimsy likes bunnies more than I do! Here is how I found it this morning. I have no idea where the bunny with the yellow broken Easter egg came from. I have never seen that one before.
Little Miss Whimsy also likes to name all our bunnies. I believe this one is Mr. Hoppy.
Meet Mr. Fluffenstein.
This one is Miss Little Egg, I think she must be Native American. Her name sounds like a Native American name to me!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy Saint Patricks Day!

Are you wearin O' the Green? This Irish lass is with a wee bit O' tartan to celebrate the Scottish side as well! What would Saint Paddy's Day be without the Blessings to go with it? So bless you my friends today and every day.
May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
And rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.
May you live as long as you want,
And never want as long as you live.
Always remember to forget
The things that made you sad.
But never forget to rememberThe things that made you glad.
Always remember to forget
The friends that proved untrue.
But never forget to remember
Those that have stuck by you.
Always remember to forget
Always remember to forget
The troubles that passed away.
But never forget to remember
The blessings that come each day.
May the saddest day of your future be no worse
Than the happiest day of your past.
May the roof above us never fall in.
And may the friends gathered below it never fall out.
May you have warm words on a cold evening,
A full moon on a dark night,
And the road downhill all the way to your door.
May there be a generation of children
On the children of your children.
May you live to be a hundred years,
May you live to be a hundred years,
With one extra year to repent!
May the Lord keep you in His hand
May the Lord keep you in His hand
And never close His fist too tight.
May your neighbors respect you,
Trouble neglect you,
The angels protect you,
And heaven accept you.
May the Irish hills caress you.
May her lakes and rivers bless you.
May the luck of the Irish enfold you.
May the blessings of Saint Patrick behold you.
May your pockets be heavy and your heart be light,
May your pockets be heavy and your heart be light,
May good luck pursue you each morning and night.
Walls for the wind,
Walls for the wind,
And a roof for the rain,
And drinks beside the fire
- Laughter to cheer you
And those you love near you,
And all that your heart may desire!
May God be with you and bless you,
May you see your children's children,
May you be poor in misfortune,
rich in blessings.
May you know nothing but happiness
From this day forward.
May God grant you many years to live,
For sure He must be knowing
The earth has angels all too few
And heaven is overflowing.
May peace and plenty be the first
To lift the latch to your door,
And happiness be guided to your home
By the candle of Christmas.
May you always have work for your hands to do.
May you always have work for your hands to do.
May your pockets hold always a coin or two.
May the sun shine bright on your windowpane.
May the rainbow be certain to follow each rain.
May the hand of a friend always be near you.
And may God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.
Happy Saint Paddy's Friends!
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