The holidays are certainly upon us. In fact I think they are rather like a locomotive plowing full steam ahead! I can't believe that Thanksgiving has already exited and we are ushering in Christmas. With no time to spare I got to work on my Christmas decor. I started with my dining room chandelier. The picture above is actually taken as a reflection in the dining room mirror. I love how the light just radiates warmth.

I decided upon a gold and frosted fruit theme for my dining room this year. I felt that the gold silk on the inside of the chandelier shades was screaming for something subtle. The shades are a black silk but in these pictures the light seems to be making them come across navy.

Here is a shot during the day with the lights off. As you can see I took the greenery, ribbon and frosted fruit down from the ceiling.

This picture was taken right after my wallpaper was put up. No drapery panels or anything yet. I wanted to give you a peak at the chandelier without anything on it and this was the only picture I could find!

I really piled on the ribbon and greenery to make it lush and full.

I love this fruit frosted with gold. I used gold dusted faux magnolia garland.

The colors in the fruit look beautiful at night with the light hitting them and they compliment my plaid silk panels.

A lot of layering went on to make this one happen!

I picked up two rolls of this pretty scrolled gold ribbon on sale at Michael's. I love how the light plays off of the glitter in the ribbon.

I twisted the ribbon down from the ceiling as well and left loops at the top to cascade down.

What are you doing to your chandeliers this season? Don't forget to check out more creations and inspiration at Susan's Metamorphosis Mondays at Between Naps on the Porch by clicking
here. Have a terrific week!