Merry Christmas to all my dear friends near and far. As we gathered round our Christmas table, as we do every year, I was truly grateful. I gazed upon the expectant faces of my children. Bright were their eyes in anticipation of the coming evening and Christmas celebrations. I was thankful to have them and I was thankful that their hearts are pure and that seemingly small things can excite them. I felt blessed to have my husband sitting at my side as he has done for the past 22 years. Ready to take each journey with me through this crazy thing we share and call life. I was thankful for the friends that had joined us and made what could have felt like a lonely table because of our family living so far away, one filled with warmth and joy.
I am thankful that sometimes love, grace and friendships are found in the funniest of places. Do you see the lovely monogrammed napkin pictured here. My dear friend Barb from Grits & Glamour sent these to me for Christmas. She sent some other goodies too and I will share those in the near future. I am thankful that the Lord whom we celebrate today knows me better than I know myself. In doing so he sends me friends that call me at just the right times and who send me lovely gifts completely unexpected!
As you gather round your Christmas table this day, whether that be a sofa with plates in your lap or a grand dining room set with the finest china, my Christmas wish for you is to find the things that you are thankful for. To cherish the seats that are filled at your table and the ones that are not. To create memories that time cannot erase. May your hearts be filled with all the joy and love of the season. Merry Christmas!