Christmas is here and gone so quickly I am pretty sure there was some head spinning involved! Now we are looking towards a new year which is even more mind boggling. The Whimsy home is having a small get together this year. Usually we go to neighbors for their annual New Years eve party. This year they are out of town and we decided to have a few families over for some fun. This meant I was stuck with a decision to make. Usually we take down out Christmas decor, which we have a plethora of, on New Years day or shortly after. This year, however; with a house full of guests about to arrive on our door step I am contemplating taking down the decor a couple days early to make the home more spacious. Now with that in mind I did a quick search for New Years eve decorating ideas. Let me tell you there is not a lot out there. So much so that I am now thinking of leaving the Christmas delights up! I did find a couple things that tickled my fancy and decided to give you a peek too. Many of these came from Martha Stewart. I love the champagne flutes with the count down numbers on them above don't you?
Love these fun center pieces !
Father time at work in a collection of clocks. I don't have this many clocks, do you? If you do I think it is rather a fun idea! What are you doing this New Years eve? Maybe you picked up on an idea or two to get your home ready for guests. I hope you have a safe and wonderful New Years!
We would love to go to our home in the wine country, but having a 20 year old home from college, we feel we must stay and "guard" the house. For ideas: silver chargers, black and white linens. Confetti. You're right, not a lot out there. Happy New Year. --Delores
Truly, not a lot of of decor available for New Year's. Perhaps that should be a bloggy mission. Now you've got me thinking. We never go out - I call it amateur night. We stay home and play games and eat fun and fancy finger foods. Happy New Year!
Some great ideas. I leave my Christmas up until after the New Year, but I love the collection of clocks and would consider that for New Years if I had them. We have friends over for cards.
Copyright 2008, 2009 2010 Southern Whimsy: The content on these pages, including text and images, are the sole property of the author unless otherwise stated, and may not be reproduced in any manner without consent of the blog owner . All Rights Reserved.
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We would love to go to our home in the wine country, but having a 20 year old home from college, we feel we must stay and "guard" the house.
ReplyDeleteFor ideas: silver chargers, black and white linens. Confetti. You're right, not a lot out there. Happy New Year. --Delores
Truly, not a lot of of decor available for New Year's. Perhaps that should be a bloggy mission. Now you've got me thinking.
ReplyDeleteWe never go out - I call it amateur night. We stay home and play games and eat fun and fancy finger foods.
Happy New Year!
I am still coveting that chair:)
ReplyDeleteHave a fun time at the party.
Some great ideas. I leave my Christmas up until after the New Year, but I love the collection of clocks and would consider that for New Years if I had them. We have friends over for cards.
ReplyDeleteI call it amateur night. We stay home and play games and eat fun and fancy finger foods.
ReplyDeleteHow to make a website