For this weeks Tabletop Tuesday hosted by Barb over at Grits & Glamour I decided to share some cabinet top vignettes. These photos were taken quite a time ago before I became the professional photo taker that I am now (wink wink) so they are not the best or the clearest but I figure they are fair enough to share.When we first bought our home one of the things that was never a favorite of mine was the fact that the cabinets in the kitchen did not go straight up to the ceiling. I am not a huge fan of space above cabinets. I could appreciate the custom cabinetry as well as the varying heights to create interest but blah, didn't want open cabinet tops. Mr. Whimsy assured me that this was no reason not to buy a home. Ha ha! Silly man. I have made sure since buying this home to let him know weekly how much I dislike my cabinets. I will save that story for a rainy day though!
Of course one always makes the best of every situation or at least trys to and in this case so did I. There are only two cabinets wide enough and low enough to really display anything on top of in my kitchen to begin with so I figured they were a good spot to place two of my loves. Pewter and transferware. I did need to add a couple more goodies to balance it all out. One of my favorite pieces of all times is my transferware rooster. I have had this fella for years. He used to sit on my island in our old home but he was quite happy to hop up on top of that cabinet and take watch. He is joined by a pewter tea kettle a topiary and a platter my sister in law gave me from Southern Living at Home.Across the kitchen from that vignette sits another. Here I have a pottery finial a topairy, one of my Spode Blue Room transferware plates and a pewter bunny. We all know how I love those bunnies!
Please join Barb over at Grits & Glamour as she hosts her second Tabletop Tuesday. You can find more wonderful vignettes by visiting Grits & Glamour by clicking here. Make your week a great one!
I love your kitchen. I like the height difference in the cabinets. My cabinets were like that in Florida but they were custom built. Our new home is just straight across and I am having a hard time with them.
You may not like the fact that your cabinets don't go all the way to the ceiling but you have made the best of it and have made some gorgeous vignettes. LOVED it and your kitchen is beautiful. Beautiful surroundings always makes for some wonderful food I am sure.
I'm with you. I want cabinets up to the ceiling in my next house! I hate the open space above mine and they don't have any molding either. Yuck! Love your bunny ~ I have a thing for collecting bunnies, too.
Love your bigger pictures and font !! And, of course, LOVE your kitchen. Your cabinets are gorgeous, and your soffit vignettes are beautiful !! Stop by sometime, Becca (Adventures in Decorating)
Wow, you have a really beautiful kitchen. I have dropped cabinets all the way around (and far too many cabinets) and while I have the two shorter sections displayed nicely the biggest one is a mess right now, nothing gorgeous like you did. I'll have to book mark this for inspiration!
Ohhh...I love your kitchen cabinets! I really do like the varying heights...I have always thought that this really does add interest to a kitchen! You have decorated the tops of them beautifully...I love the transferware and pewter...very pretty!!! Your beautiful blue & white transferward adds just the right amount of color...really draws your eye upward...I love that!!! Thank you for sharing your beautiful kitchen with us, my friend!!! Girl, you should have my that's another story! All I can say is...I've been waiting to remodel our kitchen for way too long!
I am going through cabinet to the ceiling hell. All my previous homes have had dropped cabinets, this house does not. I have collected over 200 tin canisters through the years...where or where am I to put these? Love you jealous of your cabinets
Copyright 2008, 2009 2010 Southern Whimsy: The content on these pages, including text and images, are the sole property of the author unless otherwise stated, and may not be reproduced in any manner without consent of the blog owner . All Rights Reserved.
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I love your kitchen. I like the height difference in the cabinets. My cabinets were like that in Florida but they were custom built. Our new home is just straight across and I am having a hard time with them.
ReplyDeleteLove, love, love your vignettes. Come do my kitchen!!
Love the larger pics and larger font. Verrrry nice! Your blog "pops" when it loads on the page :)
ReplyDeleteI'm always at a loss above my cabinets. I'm horrible at vignette anythings. Love to lookey loo at all the great ideas.
Love your pretty kitchen and what you have on top of your cabinets! I wish I had that space!!
ReplyDeletebe a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
what a beautiful kitchen!
ReplyDeleteLooks wonderful, love those bunnies and transferware. Your whole kitchen is beautiful!
ReplyDeleteGreat job and thanks for sharing.
Your kitchen is absolutely gorgeous! I love how you have it just wouldn't be the same without those spaces!
Robin :o)
You may not like the fact that your cabinets don't go all the way to the ceiling but you have made the best of it and have made some gorgeous vignettes. LOVED it and your kitchen is beautiful. Beautiful surroundings always makes for some wonderful food I am sure.
ReplyDeleteCarolyn/A Southerners Notebook
I love your vignette above the cabinets.. the pewter is beautiful, and naturally I love, love love the bunny... hugs ~lynne~
ReplyDeleteI love the way you have arranged the things on top of the cabinet...Love the kitchen and it all looks wonderful...
ReplyDeleteI'm with you. I want cabinets up to the ceiling in my next house! I hate the open space above mine and they don't have any molding either. Yuck! Love your bunny ~ I have a thing for collecting bunnies, too.
ReplyDeleteI love the vignettes! I prefer cabinets with space above to hold lots of pretties! I made sure this house had that when we bought it! LOL!
Your photos look great to me! I also love your vignette! Blue is my favorite color and I am starting to use more of it myself!!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful kitchen! I like the height changes and your wonderful displays are a great use of the space.
ReplyDeleteLove your bigger pictures and font !! And, of course, LOVE your kitchen. Your cabinets are gorgeous, and your soffit vignettes are beautiful !! Stop by sometime, Becca (Adventures in Decorating)
ReplyDeleteWow, you have a really beautiful kitchen. I have dropped cabinets all the way around (and far too many cabinets) and while I have the two shorter sections displayed nicely the biggest one is a mess right now, nothing gorgeous like you did. I'll have to book mark this for inspiration!
ReplyDeleteYour kitchen is beautiful! And I love the blue and white rooster! :) ~Rhonda
ReplyDeleteHi KD...
ReplyDeleteOhhh...I love your kitchen cabinets! I really do like the varying heights...I have always thought that this really does add interest to a kitchen! You have decorated the tops of them beautifully...I love the transferware and pewter...very pretty!!! Your beautiful blue & white transferward adds just the right amount of color...really draws your eye upward...I love that!!! Thank you for sharing your beautiful kitchen with us, my friend!!! Girl, you should have my that's another story! All I can say is...I've been waiting to remodel our kitchen for way too long!
Warmest winter wishes,
Chari @Happy To Design
Very pretty! My fave is the pewter bunny...Christine
ReplyDeleteBeautiful kitchen. Love both vignettes..the pewter is great and of course, transferware is always a win.
ReplyDeleteYou have a gorgeous kitchen! Love the beautiful vignette!
ReplyDeleteI am going through cabinet to the ceiling hell. All my previous homes have had dropped cabinets, this house does not. I have collected over 200 tin canisters through the years...where or where am I to put these? Love you jealous of your cabinets
ReplyDelete~WOW! KD your kitchen is so gorgeous! Love all the cabinet vignettes. So pretty!
ReplyDelete~Warmly, ~Melissa :)
Speaking of blue/white roosters...have you seen the one @ Cracker Barrel for Spring. It is
ReplyDeleteSa-weet, but $50....will wait for the markdown!